
Discord Bot By rak3xh


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A Bot made for bringing fun to the discord server.

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--- **You can fork this repo to modify and make changes of your own. Please give me proper credit by linking back to [rak3xh](https://rak3xh-portfolio.vercel.app/). Thanks!** --- ## Built With : **This project was built using these technologies.** - ![C#](https://img.shields.io/badge/c%23-%23239120.svg?style=for-the-badge&logo=csharp&logoColor=white) - ![.Net](https://img.shields.io/badge/.NET-5C2D91?style=for-the-badge&logo=.net&logoColor=white) - ![Discord](https://img.shields.io/badge/Discord-%235865F2.svg?style=for-the-badge&logo=discord&logoColor=white) - ![Visual Studio](https://img.shields.io/badge/Visual%20Studio-5C2D91.svg?style=for-the-badge&logo=visual-studio&logoColor=white) - ![Windows Terminal](https://img.shields.io/badge/Windows%20Terminal-%234D4D4D.svg?style=for-the-badge&logo=windows-terminal&logoColor=white) ## Features - **➤ This is a bot made using C# and .NET(6.0) framework** - **➤ This bot uses urban dictionary API to give funny meanings of english words to add fun to your Discord Server.** - **➤ This bot can be easily customized and fun to use in any Discord server.** ## ⚙️ Getting Started Follow these steps to clone and set up the project on your local machine: ### 1️⃣ Clone the Repository ```bash git clone https://github.com/rak3xh/DiscordBot-by-rak3xh ``` ### 2️⃣ Install Visual Studio 2022 and .NET (6.0) Framework If you don’t have Visual Studio installed, [download it here](https://visualstudio.microsoft.com/). ## 🛠 Installation and Setup Instructions 1. You need a Discord Account. [Create One](https://discord.com/) 2. After creating the account go to this page. [Discord developers](https://discord.com/developers/applications) 3. Then in the Discords developer page click on the button saying `Create New Application` 4. After creating the application go to `OAuth2` Slide on the left side and select category as `Bot` and give all the necessary permissions. 5. Then copy your `Public key` shown in the site and save it to a notepad for now. 6. Now open `Visual Studio 2022` and select load a project or solution. 7. Now in the Repo there is a file named `DiscordBot.sln`. Load that solution file in Visual Studio 2022. 8. Now right click on the project in Visual Studio Explorer side and select the `Manage User Secrets` file. 9. It is a `.JSON` file where you have to create a Variable. Copy the code given below and change the `Public Token` to the token which you have already copied in the notepad. ```bash "DiscordToken": "YOUR_TOKEN" ``` 10. Now your Bot is ready to start. 11. Open the Discord Developers Page again and in `OAuth2` scroll down and copy the `GENERATED URL` given over there. 12. Now paste the `GENERATED URL` in any browser Tab and authorise the Bot to join any Server. 13. Now open Visual Studio 2022 and Click on the `Run` button your bot will be Online in the server. 14. Then give any command `!wq any word` it will give a funny meaning of that english word. --- ## 📧 Need Help? For questions or support, feel free to reach out via email at **rakeshmondal859@gmail.com**. --- ## Usage Instructions You can Go to the C# sharp File named `Program.cs` and can change modify according to your prefrence. ## 🌟 Show Your Support If you love this project, consider giving it a ⭐ on [GitHub](https://github.com/rak3xh/DiscordBot-by-rak3xh). --- ## HAPPY HACKING!!